Grandes personalidades nacionais, lideranças do mercado, executivos das grandes seguradoras, autoridades, parlamentares e dirigentes de entidades, além dos maiores especialistas do setor e, claro, Corretores de Seguros de todo o Brasil estarão na plenária do 23º Congresso Brasileiro dos Corretores de Seguros para falar sobre os temas que mais interessam aos Congressistas e conhecer as principais novidades que estão surgindo no segmento.
É na plenária que eles tem a oportunidade de atualização e capacitação profissional, pela transmissão de conhecimento que ocorre lá.
A EXPOSEG será o local ideal para o Corretor de Seguros fazer networking; firmar parcerias, prospectar novas oportunidades de negócios; ampliar sua rede de relacionamentos; e participar do lançamento de produtos das Seguradoras.
A EXPOSEG será o local ideal para o Corretor de Seguros fazer networking; firmar parcerias, prospectar novas oportunidades de negócios; ampliar sua rede de relacionamentos; e participar do lançamento de produtos das Seguradoras.
Confira a programação cultural do 23º Congresso Brasileiro dos Corretores de Seguros e prepare-se para três noites inesquecíveis de música e celebração!
10/10 – Diogo Nogueira: Diogo Nogueira trará a essência do samba com um repertório que inclui clássicos e novos sucessos, prometendo uma performance que vai aquecer a alma de todos os amantes do samba.
11/10 – Toni Garrido: Toni Garrido elevará o astral com seu carisma e energia inigualáveis, combinando reggae e pop brasileiro em um show que será uma verdadeira festa de ritmos e emoções.
12/10 – Escola de Samba Mangueira: A Escola de Samba Mangueira encerrará com grande estilo, desfilando sua alegria contagiante e sambas-enredo que marcaram épocas, representando um verdadeiro ícone cultural do Brasil.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.
A inscrição no 23 Congresso Brasileiro dos Corretores de Seguros e EXPOSEG dá direito ao livre acesso à EXPOSEG, feira de negócios onde haverá stands das maiores seguradoras do Brasil e de outras empresas do setor; participação na plenária; shows com grandes atrações todos os dias do evento; alimentação (almoço e jantar); translado (a organização do 23º Congresso Brasileiro dos Corretores de Seguros e da EXPOSEG oferecerá transfer de hotéis até o local do evento. Os horários e a relação de hotéis onde haverá transfer serão divulgados em breve); e premiações (disponíveis para Corretores de Seguros PF ativos na Susep) de:
Confira o mapa do Exposeg 2024
Horário de funcionamento da Exposeg
Dia 10/10/2024 – das 11:00h às 19:00h
Dia 11/10/2024 – das 13:00h às 20:00h
Dia 12/10/2024 – das 13:00h às 20:00h
All prices exclude 25% VAT
All prices exclude 25% VAT
All prices exclude 25% VAT
Seguradora Acidentes Pessoais
Seguradora Riscos
Data: 10 a 12 de outubro de 2024
Local: Centro de Eventos EXPO MAG (Rua Beatriz Larragoiti Lucas – Centro, Rio de Janeiro/RJ)